Creative Writing

  • A True Tale: Chapter 2

    The Drusba Dimension

    Brahms’ lullaby was the first sound that struck the ears. It came from the room furthest from the stairs, next to the Martins’ master bedroom, and whispered sweet dreams to the cutest baby seen in millennia. The baby’s name was Baby and she was indeed having the sweetest of dreams. She played with Ralfie, her best friend in the entire universe, while her two teddy bear friends–also her best friends actually–sang and danced in golden fields. Nothing could interrupt her peace. Not even her parents’ relentless snores could interrupt the blissful pa-ra-pam-pam pa-ra-pam-pam…

  • A True Tale: Chapter 1

    The Scientist on Vacation

    There was constant typing, constant thinking, constant grumbling. Not a single moment of peace, not a single moment of bliss, there was only constant pioneering, as the typing went towards forging what could only be impossibly good ideas for what could only be a fantastic tomorrow…but a tomorrow for whom I ask, if not for the typists, the thinkers, the grumblers? What of those who stood in the shadows, set up there for show, for a semblance of warmth, for comfort? And again for whom to give comfort, if not for the pioneers of tomorrow, the typists of typists, the fantastic forgers of the morrow?

  • Musings on the Shore

    I often dream that my father is taking us on a tour of the island we come from. The sky is an ethereal blue and the lagoon a shimmering reflection. Eventually, our red Peugeot somehow brings us right to the edge of the water. Then, as these dreams always go, my father drives straight into the sea, our car strangely buoyant. It is a little scary as I can feel the ocean tugging us this way, that way, anywhere except to the side where land awaits us. Still, this remains a wonderful moment for me as the sea is endless and full of surprises. Such is the dream that I visit when I am uncertain of myself; such is my state when I wish for wisdom.

  • Phantom in the Kitchen

    On Hallows’ eve, from the ground and the heavens, come spirits that have expired and are yet to arrive. Time unwinds itself from the clutches of reality, and for one night, words like “yesterday”, “tomorrow”, “possibly”, and “never” bear no meaning whatsoever. Eternity exists all at once. All around us, the planets, stars and galaxies shudder in a cacophony of possibilities: birth, life, and death all co-exist as the gigantic and marvellous defy all the laws of physics. Unfortunately, our conscious and subconscious minds are programmed to dismiss these anomalies, letting them succumb into oblivion. Rationality always comes in the way of imagination…